Best Pakistani Lawyers

  1. Labor Laws:

    • The main piece of legislation governing labor relations in Pakistan is the Industrial Relations Act, 2012. This law covers various aspects of industrial relations, including the formation of trade unions, collective bargaining, and resolution of industrial disputes.
    • The Factories Act, 1934, is another important law that focuses on the working conditions in factories. It addresses issues such as health, safety, and welfare of workers.
  2. Employment Laws:

    • The Employment of Children Act, 1991, prohibits the employment of children in certain hazardous occupations and regulates their working conditions.
    • The Shops and Establishments Ordinance, 1969, sets out the conditions of employment in shops and commercial establishments. It covers working hours, holidays, and other related matters.
  3. Workplace Safety:

    • The Factories Act, 1934, includes provisions related to workplace safety, such as the maintenance of machinery, ventilation, temperature, and cleanliness in factories.
    • The Pakistan Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2017, aims to promote a safe and healthy working environment. It includes provisions related to risk assessment, safety training, and the establishment of safety committees.
  4. Social Security:

    • The Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Act, 1976, provides for the payment of old-age benefits to employees in certain industries. It establishes a contributory provident fund and a pension scheme.
  5. Minimum Wage:

    • Minimum wage rates are determined by provincial governments in Pakistan. The rates may vary across provinces and are periodically revised.
  6. Contract of Employment:

    • The terms and conditions of employment are typically outlined in individual employment contracts. These contracts cover aspects such as wages, working hours, leave entitlements, and termination procedures.
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