Best Pakistani Lawyers

Company Formation:

  1. Choose a Business Structure:

    • Decide on the type of company, such as a private limited company, single-member company, or a public limited company.
  2. Name Reservation:

    • Reserve a unique business name through the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP).
  3. Draft and File Documents:

    • Prepare the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
    • File the required documents with the SECP.
  4. Incorporation Certificate:

    • Upon approval, the SECP issues a Certificate of Incorporation.
  5. Tax Registration:

    • Register the company for tax purposes with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).

NGO Formation:

  1. Choose a Legal Structure:

    • Decide whether to register as a society, trust, or as a non-profit company under Section 42 of the Companies Act.
  2. Draft and Adopt a Constitution:

    • Draft a constitution outlining the objectives, structure, and rules of the organization.
  3. Registration with the Relevant Authority:

    • Register with the appropriate regulatory authority, such as the Registrar of Societies or the SECP.
  4. Tax Registration:

    • Obtain tax-exempt status from the FBR for charitable activities.

Trust Formation:

  1. Draft a Trust Deed:

    • Draft a trust deed outlining the objectives, trustees, and rules of the trust.
  2. Registration:

    • Register the trust with the relevant authority, often the Registrar of Trusts.
  3. Tax Registration:

    • Obtain tax-exempt status from the FBR for charitable activities.

Contracts in Pakistan:

  1. Contract Formation:

    • Contracts can be verbal or in writing but it’s advisable to have a written agreement for clarity.
    • Ensure that the contract includes the essential elements like offer, acceptance, consideration, and intention to create legal relations.
  2. Specific Contract Types:

    • Common contracts include sale and purchase agreements, employment contracts, service contracts, and lease agreements.
  3. Legal Advice:

    • Seek legal advice when drafting or entering into complex contracts.
    • Ensure that contracts comply with relevant laws and regulations.
  4. Dispute Resolution Clauses:

    • Include dispute resolution mechanisms, such as arbitration or mediation, in contracts.
  5. Stamp Duty:

    • Certain contracts may require stamp duty to be paid for legal enforceability.
  6. Contract Review:

    • Before signing, carefully review all terms and conditions to avoid future disputes.
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