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US Citizenship

US Citizenship is the dream of many immigrants. United States Citizenship has many rewards including the right to vote in federal and local elections, the right to travel with a United States passport, the right to apply for federal jobs and the right to petition for various close family members to become US permanent residents.

Our Free Citizenship Eligibility Assessment is designed to instantly determine if you are eligible to apply for US Citizenship. This assessment uses the criteria set by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Citizenship Acquired By Naturalization

Permanent Residents may apply for naturalization to become US citizens. The acquisition of US Citizenship through naturalization provides immigrants with several rights and freedoms, including the right to vote, the right to travel to and from the US with a US passport,

Citizenship Acquired By Birth

Persons in this category may either be born inside or born outside the US to a US parent under certain conditions. Persons may prove their citizenship by the evidence of their relationship to a US parent.

Citizenship Acquired By Status at Birth

Citizenship Acquired by Status at Birth grants US Citizenship to children born and residing outside the US to at least one US citizen parent. The US citizen parent does not have to have been born in the US or, in fact, ever have visited the US, but one of the child’s grandparents must be a US citizen and must have established at least five years of physical presence in the US.

Citizenship Acquired By Derivative

Children born outside the US may be able to acquire US Citizenship by operation of law through their relationship with one of their parents. The acquisition of US Citizenship through derivative status provides immigrants many rights and freedoms that accompany US Citizenship.
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